In Punjabi Culture Every Punjabi knows the Word “Orderlao“.
When people visit to any workshop or any place to get any services, before starting any work-related discussion Services provider mostly greets them with this “Orderlao“. When people meet with their friends to get some help, friends feel good to say Orderlao (Tusi orderlao g) to each other.
Orderlao’s Basic Meaning is to give an order or how can I help you.
Right now, our Focus Market is Pakistan Where People are hiring Freelancers for remote work from Social Media Groups. Most of the Time they are complaining and sharing screenshots, and someone takes their money and now not responding. And sometimes Freelancers get money in advance and do not provide services up to the desired level of the customer. Many businesses are also interested to hire freelancers for their short work, but unfortunately, there is no marketplace that can offer readily available freelancers on short notice for short-term projects.
So, we have created this marketplace very friendly where people can ask anyone “orderlao G“. People can sell their services on our platform. Mostly People Knows Freelancing as a remote working. Very soon we are going to introduce Physical jobs where skilled professional can sell their services through our Platform.
We are using Bank Alfalah Payment Gateway for smooth financial tractions. Freelancers can bring their international clients on our platform as well. We are charging less compared to other marketplaces. Right now, our Currency is PKR. But we will start charging in Dollars once we get an international payment Gateway.
Sign up Now and start saying Orderlao. www.orderlao.com
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